🎥 Adam Yates cycled 35 kilometers despite suffering from a concussion after a heavy blow in the UAE Tour Cycling

🎥 Adam Yates cycled 35 kilometers despite suffering from a concussion after a heavy blow in the UAE Tour

🎥 Adam Yates cycled 35 kilometers despite suffering from a concussion after a heavy blow in the UAE Tour

Top favorite Adam Yates crashed hard during the third stage of the UAE Tour towards the summit of Jebel Jais. The Briton was left dazed on the asphalt for a while, but was eventually able to continue on his way. His team, UAE-Team Emirates, currently holds the top three positions in the UAE Tour standings after securing a 1-2-3 finish in the time trial with Brandon McNulty, Jay Vine, and Mikkel Bjerg.

Yates, despite not undergoing concussion protocol following a severe blow to his head, swiftly got back on his bike and resumed his position. However, he ultimately had to abandon the race after ten kilometers of climbing on Jebel Jais.

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