Veenendaal-Veenendaal Classic

The Veenendaal-Veenendaal Classic, originally established in 1985, is a Dutch cycling race that annually attracts both professional and emerging cyclists. Having undergone several name changes and route adjustments over the years, it returned to its original name and route in 2017, with both the start and finish in Veenendaal. This event traditionally serves as a precursor to the Amstel Gold Race, featuring a challenging course that spans the picturesque Utrechtse Heuvelrug and the Gelderse Vallei. The race is part of the UCI Europe Tour, categorized as 1.1, and has seen a notable dominance by sprinters, among whom Dutch cyclist Dylan Groenewegen stands out with the most victories in recent years.

Most recent winners of the Veenendaal-Veenendaal Classic

2023: Dylan Groenewegen
2022: Dylan Groenewegen
2021: Not held
2020: Not held
2019: Zakkari Dempster
2018: Dylan Groenewegen
2017: Luka Mezgec
2016: Dylan Groenewegen
2015: Dylan Groenewegen

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